BCS aims to improve socially important behaviors with evidence-based interventions that increase functional and adaptive behaviors. BCS focuses on the behavioral interventions to shape and modify unwanted behaviors that are excessive
When a significant change is on the horizon, you need a plan to reduce unwanted adult and child behaviors. BCS is focused on decreasing or eliminating aggressive behaviors that hinders development. Utilizing techniques such as Aggression prevention plan will address the most difficult behaviors and replaces or modify these behaviors using best practice techniques .
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has estimated Autism is diagnosed at a greater rate than childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes, and pediatric AIDS combined. It is estimated that 1 in 42 are boys and 1 in 189 are girls (CDC). The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimated the rate among males is 4 times higher than females.
Our individualized parent training and consultation services ensure parents receive well-rounded training to support their child's journey and progress. BCS emphasizes the importance of parent participation in the progression of each child's treatment. BCS provides and assists parents to create individualized plans that is conducive for learning. Parents will learn and understand each behavior, all while learning how to reduce challenging behaviors.